Tuesday, August 7

Summer on the Island

It's been a busy couple of months, with moving here:

Via this route:

Meeting the new neighbours:

No kidding.   Okay, they don't live next door, but I do see them every day on the way to work.  They are in my 'hood.   I've never had cows in my 'hood before.  

And there are apparently ostriches too, but they are much more reclusive than the cows, so we haven't seen them yet.  Kind of like the Klopeks, who really DO live next door to us.  That's not their real name, just the name we've given them.  Have you seen "The Burbs" ? A great Tom Hanks film from 1989.  His neighbours are the Klopeks....from a cannabalistic cult.  'Nuf said.

Back soon with quilting and car show pictures.  Wahoo! 

1 comment:

  1. So jealous you have cows in your hood. Cows are cool. Nice peek at the new digs too! have never seen the burbs but now I am tempted!
